Bonate (2011): Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling and Simulations

Here, we replicate some of the examples described in Bonate (2011). I recommend following along with the 2nd edition of the book. The purpose of this notebook is to illustrate the versatility of delicatessen by illustrating its application for pharmacokinetic modeling. This can easily be done by using the built-in estimating equations, as will be shown.

Bonate PL. (2011). Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling and Simulations. 2nd Edition. Springer, New York, NY.


import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

import delicatessen
from delicatessen import MEstimator
from delicatessen.estimating_equations import ee_glm


print("NumPy version:       ", np.__version__)
print("SciPy version:       ", sp.__version__)
print("Pandas version:      ", pd.__version__)
print("Delicatessen version:", delicatessen.__version__)
NumPy version:        1.25.2
SciPy version:        1.11.2
Pandas version:       1.4.1
Delicatessen version: 2.2

Chapter 11: Generalized Linear Models and Its Extensions

Adverse Events Case Study

The first example from Chapter 11 is the Case Study: Assessing the Relationship Between Drug Concentrations and Adverse Events Using Logistic Regression. Data comes from Table 2 of the book. In the book, a variety of different models for different adverse events are considered. Here, we only consider nausea (and vomiting) by AUC. For the one observations with a missing AUC value, they are dropped from the data set (same as the book). For ease of examining the coefficients, we will also divide the AUC value by 1000. This means the coefficients for AUC are rescaled from those reported in the book.

First, we load the data set and transform the coefficients and add an intercept column to the data set

d = pd.read_csv("data/bonate.csv").dropna()
d['intercept'] = 1   # Adding intercept to data
d['auc'] /= 1000     # Rescaling AUC
d['c_max'] /= 1000   # Rescaling C_max
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 42 entries, 0 to 42
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   id         42 non-null     int64
 1   c_max      42 non-null     float64
 2   auc        42 non-null     float64
 3   age        42 non-null     int64
 4   sex        42 non-null     int64
 5   ps         42 non-null     int64
 6   myalgia    42 non-null     int64
 7   phlebitis  42 non-null     int64
 8   asthenia   42 non-null     int64
 9   diarrhea   42 non-null     int64
 10  nausea     42 non-null     int64
 11  intercept  42 non-null     int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(10)
memory usage: 4.3 KB
table = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Model", "Intercept", "AUC", "Sex", "Age", "PS"])

To begin, we will fit a null (intercept-only) logistic regression model. This is easily done by using the built-in ee_glm estimating equation. For the logistic model, we specify a binomial distribution with the logit link. Below is code to setup the estimating equation and then estimate the parameters using MEstimator

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating equation for null model
    return ee_glm(theta=theta,
                  X=d[['intercept', ]],

# Estimate the parameters of the logit model
estr_null = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ])

# Adding results to the output table
table.loc[len(table)] = ["Null", estr_null.theta[0], ] + [np.nan, ]*4

Next we fit a logistic regression model that includes linear terms for all the independent variables in the data set. This is easily done by modifying the previous design matrix (i.e., X). Below is code to fit the full model

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating equation for full model
    return ee_glm(theta=theta,
                  X=d[['intercept', 'auc', 'sex', 'age', 'ps']],

# Estimate the parameters of the logit model
estr_full = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ]*5)

# Adding results to the output table
table.loc[len(table)] = ["Full", ] + list(estr_full.theta)

In the book, Bonate performs some variable selection. In general, we would not recommend use of backwards-selection procedures (like those done in the book). Such procedures complicate inference (P-values and confidence intervals after these procedures are no longer valid). For comparison purposes, we estimate the reduced model reported in the book. Again, this is easily done by modifying the X argument for ee_glm

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating equation for reduced model
    return ee_glm(theta=theta,
                  X=d[['intercept', 'auc', 'sex']],

# Estimate the parameters of the logit model
estr_redu = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ]*3)

# Adding results to the output table
table.loc[len(table)] = ["Reduced", ] + list(estr_redu.theta) + [np.nan, ]*2

Finally, two alternative models are considered: a probit regression model and a complimentary log-log model. Again, these models are easily implemented using ee_glm. For the probit model, we set the link equal to probit

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating equation for reduced probit model
    return ee_glm(theta=theta,
                  X=d[['intercept', 'auc', 'sex']],

# Estimate the parameters of the probit model
estr_prob = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ]*3)

# Adding results to the output table
table.loc[len(table)] = ["Probit", ] + list(estr_prob.theta) + [np.nan, ]*2

Similarly, the complimentary log-log model only requires setting the link to cloglog

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating equation for reduced C-log-log model
    return ee_glm(theta=theta,
                  X=d[['intercept', 'auc', 'sex']],

# Estimate the parameters of the cloglog model
estr_clog = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ]*3)

# Adding results to the output table
table.loc[len(table)] = ["Probit", ] + list(estr_clog.theta) + [np.nan, ]*2

Now we can view the results across the different models

Intercept AUC Sex Age PS
Null -0.587787 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Full -5.602899 0.289785 1.730299 0.049538 0.220545
Reduced -2.663522 0.303502 1.772238 NaN NaN
Probit -1.629729 0.184030 1.080253 NaN NaN
Probit -2.233720 0.193108 1.212290 NaN NaN

These point estimates match those reported in Tables 3 and 4 in the book (note the null model differs slightly, since we dropped the one observation with the missing AUC value to fit this model, but the book does not). These results highlight how delicatessen allows one to easily fit a variety of different models.


This is the end of the current replication.