Custom Estimating Equations

A key advantages of delicatessen is the flexibility in the estimating equations that can be specified. Here, I provide an overview and tips for how to build your own estimating equations using delicatessen.

In general, it will be best if you find an paper or book that directly provides the estimating equation(s) to you. Alternatively, if you can find the score function or gradient for a regression model, that is the corresponding estimating equation. This section does not address how to derive your own estimating equation(s). Rather, this section provides information on how to translate an estimating equation into code that is compatible with delicatessen, as delicatessen assumes you are giving it a valid estimating equation.

Building from scratch

First, we will go through the case of building an estimating equation completely from scratch. To do this, we will go through an example with linear regression.

First, we have the estimating equation (which is the score function) provided in Boos & Stefanski (2013)

\[\sum_i^n (Y_i - X_i^T \beta) X_i = 0\]

We will demonstrate using the following simulated data set

n = 200
d = pd.DataFrame()
d['X'] = np.random.normal(size=n)
d['W'] = np.random.normal(size=n)
d['C'] = 1
d['Y'] = 5 + d['X'] + np.random.normal(size=n)

First, we can build the estimating equation using a for-loop where each i piece will be stacked together. While this for-loop approach will be ‘slow’, it is often a good strategy to implement a for-loop version that is easier to debug first.

Below calculates the estimating equation for each i in the for-loop. This function returns a stacked array of each i observation as a 3-by-n array. That array can then be passed to the MEstimator

def psi(theta):
    # Transforming to arrays
    X = np.asarray(d[['C', 'X', 'W']])   # Design matrix
    y = np.asarray(d['Y'])               # Dependent variable
    beta = np.asarray(theta)[:, None]    # Parameters
    n = X.shape[0]                       # Number of observations

    # Where to store each of the resulting estimating functions
    est_vals = []

    # Looping through each observation from 1 to n
    for i in range(n):
        v_i = (y[i] -[i], beta)) * X[i]

    # returning 3-by-n NumPy array
    return np.asarray(est_vals).T

We can then apply this estimating equation via

mest = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., 0., 0.])

for which the coefficients match the coefficients from a ordinary least squares model (variance estimates may differ, since most OLS software use the inverse of the information matrix to estimate the variance, which is equivalent to the inverse of the bread matrix).

Here, we can vectorize the operations. The advantage of the vectorized-form is that it will run much faster. With some careful experimentation, the following is a vectorized version. Remember that delicatessen is expecting a 3-by-n array to be given by the psi function in this example. Failure to provide this is a common mistake when building custom estimating equations.

def psi(theta):
    X = np.asarray(d[['C', 'X', 'W']])    # Design matrix
    y = np.asarray(d['Y'])[:, None]       # Dependent variable
    beta = np.asarray(theta)[:, None]     # Parameters
    return ((y -, beta)) * X).T  # Computes all estimating functions

As before, we can run this chunk of code. Vectorizing (even parts of an estimating equation) can help to improve run-times if you find a M-estimator taking too long to solve.

Building with basics

Instead of building everything from scratch, you can also piece together built-in estimating equations with your custom estimating equations code. To demonstrate this, we will go through inverse probability weighting.

The inverse probability weighting estimator consists of four estimating equations: the difference between the weighted means, the weighted mean under \(A=1\), the weighted mean under \(A=0\), and the propensity score model. We can express this mathematically as

\[\begin{split}\sum_{i=1}^n \begin{bmatrix} (\theta_1 - \theta_2) - \theta_0 \\ \frac{A_i \times Y_i}{\pi_i} - \theta_1 \\ \frac{(1-A_i) \times Y_i}{1-\pi_i} - \theta_2 \\ (A_i - \text{expit}(W_i^T \alpha)) W_i \end{bmatrix} = 0\end{split}\]

where \(A\) is the action of interest, \(Y\) is the outcome of interest, and \(W\) is the set of confounding variables.

Rather than re-code the logistic regression model (to estimate the propensity scores), we will use the built-in logistic regression functionality. Below is a stacked estimating equation for the inverse probability weighting estimator above

def psi(theta):
    # Ensuring correct typing
    W = np.asarray(d['C', 'W'])     # Design matrix of confounders
    A = np.asarray(d['A'])          # Action
    y = np.asarray(y)               # Outocome
    beta = theta[3:]                # Regression parameters

    # Estimating propensity score
    preds_reg = ee_regression(theta=beta,        # Built-in regression
                              X=W,               # Plug-in covariates for X
                              y=A,               # Plug-in treatment for Y
                              model='logistic')  # Specify logistic
    # Estimating weights
    pi = inverse_logit(, beta))          # Pr(A|W) using delicatessen.utilities

    # Calculating Y(a=1)
    ya1 = (A * y) / pi - theta[1]                # i's contribution is (AY) / \pi

    # Calculating Y(a=0)
    ya0 = ((1-A) * y) / (1-pi) - theta[2]        # i's contribution is ((1-A)Y) / (1-\pi)

    # Calculating Y(a=1) - Y(a=0) (using np.ones to ensure a 1-by-n array)
    ate = np.ones(y.shape[0]) * (theta[1] - theta[2]) - theta[0]

    # Output (3+b)-by-n stacked array
    return np.vstack((ate,             # theta[0] is for the ATE
                      ya1[None, :],    # theta[1] is for R1
                      ya0[None, :],    # theta[2] is for R0
                      preds_reg))      # theta[3:] is for the regression coefficients

This example demonstrates how estimating equations can easily be stacked together using delicatessen. Specifically, both built-in and user-specified functions can be specified together seamlessly. All it requires is specifying both in the estimating equation and returning a stacked array of the estimates.

One important piece to note here is that the returned array needs to be in the same order as the theta’s are input. As done here, all the theta values are the 3rd are for the propensity score model. Therefore, the propensity score model values are last in the returned stack. Returning the values in a different order than input is a common mistake.

Handling np.nan

Sometimes, np.nan will be necessary to include in your data set. However, delicatessen does not naturally handle np.nan. In fact, delicatessen will return an error when there are np.nan’s detected (this is by design). The following discusses how np.nan can be handled appropriately in the estimating equations.

In the first case, we will consider handling np.nan with a built-in estimating equation. When trying to fit a regression model where there are np.nan’s present, the missing values will be set to a placeholder value and their contributions will be manually removed using an indicator function for missingness. Below is an example using the built-in logistic regression estimating equations:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from delicatessen import MEstimator
from delicatessen.estimating_equations import ee_logistic_regression

d = pd.DataFrame()
d['X'] = np.random.normal(size=100)
y = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.5 + 0.01 * d['X'], size=100)
d['y'] = np.where(np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.9, size=100), y, np.nan)
d['C'] = 1

X = np.asarray(d[['C', 'X']])
y = np.asarray(d['y'])
y_no_nan = np.asarray(d['y'].fillna(0.5))
r = np.where(d['Y'].isna(), 0, 1)

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating logistic model values with filled-in Y's
    a_model = ee_logistic_regression(theta,
                                     X=X, y=y_no_nan)
    # Setting contributions with missing to zero manually
    a_model = a_model * r
    return a_model

mest = MEstimator(psi, init=[0, 0, ])

If the contribution to the estimating function with missing Y’s had not been included, the optimized points would have been nan. Alternatively, had numpy.nan_to_num been used with deriv_method='exact', this would have also resulted in an error (numpy.nan_to_num is okay to use with deriv_method='approx').

As a second example, we will consider estimating the mean with missing data and correcting for informative missing by inverse probability weighting. To reduce random error, this example uses 10,000 observations. Here, we must set nan’s to be zero’s prior to subtracting off the mean. This is shown below:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import logistic
from delicatessen import MEstimator
from delicatessen.estimating_equations import ee_logistic_regression
from delicatessen.utilities import inverse_logit

# Generating data
d = pd.DataFrame()
d['X'] = np.random.normal(size=100000)
y = 5 + d['X'] + np.random.normal(size=100000)
d['y'] = np.where(np.random.binomial(n=1, p=logistic.cdf(1 + d['X']), size=100000), y, np.nan)
d['C'] = 1

X = np.asarray(d[['C', 'X']])
y = np.asarray(d['y'])
r = np.asarray(np.where(d['y'].isna(), 0, 1))

def psi(theta):
    # Estimating logistic model values
    a_model = ee_logistic_regression(theta[1:],
                                     X=X, y=r)
    pi = inverse_logit(, theta[1:]))

    y_w = np.where(r, y / pi, 0) - theta[0]  # nan-to-zero then subtract off
    return np.vstack((y_w[None, :],

mest = MEstimator(psi, init=[0, 0, 0])

This will result in an estimate close to the truth (5). If we were to instead use np.where(r, y/pi - theta[0], 0), then the wrong answer will be returned. When in doubt about the form to use (and where the subtraction should go), go back to the formula for the estimating function or estimator. Here, the IPW mean is

\[\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \frac{I(R_i=1) Y_i}{\Pr(R_i=1 | X_i)} - \theta \right) = 0\]

As seen with the indicator function, observations where \(Y\) is missing should contribute a zero minus \(\theta\). If we had instead used, the Hajek estimator

\[\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left((Y_i - \theta) \frac{I(R_i=1)}{\Pr(R_i=1 | X_i)} \right) = 0\]

The subtraction would have been on the inside of the np.where step.

Common Mistakes

Here is a list of common mistakes, most of which I have done myself.

  1. The psi function doesn’t return a NumPy array.

  2. The psi function returns the wrong shape. Remember, it should be a b-by-n NumPy array!

  3. The psi function is summing over n. delicatessen needs to do the sum internally (in order to compute the bread and filling), so do not sum over n in psi!

  4. The theta values and b must be in the same order. If theta[0] is the mean, the 1st row of the returned array better be the estimating function for that mean!

  5. Automatic differentiation with np.nan_to_num. This will result in the bread matrix having nan values.

  6. Trying to use a SciPy function with automatic differentation (only some functionalities are supported. please open an issue on GitHub if you have one you would like to see added).

If you still have trouble, please open an issue at pzivich/Delicatessen. This will help me to add other common mistakes here and improve the documentation for custom estimating equations.

Additional Examples

Additional examples are provided here .